I guess the two central pillars of the problem are 1) I have exams at the end of this week, and 2) I can't seem to study. Or maybe that should read 1) I can't seem to study because 2) I have exams at the end of this week. See, I'm pretty sure I'm not going to do terribly well in these exams. First of all because the workload this semester has been insane to the point where I've had to abandon some of the reading because there is no possible way I could get through it all in time, and secondly because I've missed a week of uni due to being ill. Two of the exams I'm not overly fussed about, but if I want to get into English Honors (which I do, duh) I need to get at least a B first time around. No resits for Honors candidates. And, okay, I've never gotten below a B before in English, but I didn't enjoy the course as much this semester, the lecturers were totally hit and miss, the texts were difficult (I gave up on Redgauntlet and Troilus & Cressida) and I'm starting to doubt my whole theory about it being scientifically impossible to fail an English exam. Me and my friend were half-greeting about what would happen if we got a C, and I honestly couldn't imagine what would happen because getting an English degree is the way my life has to go, there is no other option, I cannot allow myself to fail this round. I'd have to resit the entire year, and that idea of time being written over again and yet not actually stopping, of me not advancing and wasting 365 days, that really scares me. Because I feel like it would just be one more nail on the coffin. So much of my life is spent waiting. Sometimes I feel so passive in my own life. When I look back at how deeply unhappy I was at this time last year, I know I'm not unhappy at the moment, or at least not in the same way. Maybe dissatisfied is a better word. This image keeps recurring to me over and over again: everyone is bobbing along in this current, the water's way too deep for our toes to touch the ground, and there's just enough space between the water and the underside of the ice sheet to breathe, and I'm banging on the ice trying to break through it because I know there's something up there beyond this, but it's a solid ceiling, and I'm thinking—is this as good as it gets?*
Faced with this kind of significant failure, I should be panicking. Panicking would at least motivate me to blast through my studying. But I just feel very listless. It's not that I don't care, of course I do. It's more like I've already given up on myself. And do you know what the really pathetic part is? Earlier today, when I was all preoccupied, I was thinking it'd be so great if, just for this one week, I could switch off every other need and desire in order to direct my full attention to studying. But in truth, I only really need to switch off one. All the others are symptomatic. I know that if I could fix that one glitch in my life, I would be much happier. My life would not be perfect, and I wouldn't want it to be, but it would be much fuller and less fraught with insecurity and this stultifying enervation. It would be much more complete, without sounding trite. There wouldn't be this niggling doubt always in my mind, or this shadow waiting for me when I go to bed and the whole world is silent, or this jagged piece missing from my side. I'm not ungrateful; I never forget what I have, and in my lowest moments, remembering my friends and family is what pulls me through. But still, I hate that this thing has the power to taint everything else. I hate that it forbids me from fully enjoying what I do have. I hate it, point blank.
See, I've realised that everything does come back to it. For a long time it represented all these huge issues that slammed into me from behind and sent me sprawling; I had to grab onto something, and so it became my floatation device. I pinned everything on it, reduced everything down to that one relationship, because I thought that would be easier to deal with, if everything was in one place. And then it started to drift away, so I clung on tighter, terrified of losing it and of drowning. Eventually, I realised it wasn't about that one relationship and so I worked through the other issues, but that one remained damaged, and so now, ironically, it is the actual root of the present problems. It always is. And I'm sick of it being that way. I'm sick of it always coming back to this point, of reliving it over and over like ground hog's day and never progressing, never getting any closer to a solution. I'm tired of feeling like a fourteen year old with no right to feel what I do feel and no right to say what I need to say. I'm tired of not being able to give into the moment, or give my full attention, because it is always haunting my mind. I'm tired of being pacified like a child and not being told the truth. I'm tired of being punished for finally learning how to care about someone. I'm tired of feeling like I'm walking around in a nightmare where things do not make sense, where anything could be an illusion, where everything is inside out and I'm just - lost. I'm tired of all the reminders and associations there to trip me up and bring me right back. I'm tired of thinking in the past tense, about how it used to be, and wondering what went wrong. I'm tired of doubting myself, of thinking Are you mad? Why are you mad? Do you hate me? Why do you hate me? Did I do something wrong? What did I do wrong? Because I know I did nothing wrong. I'm tired of blaming myself, of apologising, of second-guessing my anger. I'm tired of explaining myself, proving myself, defending myself. I'm tired of trying to guess what you're thinking—I shouldn't have to do that, I should know how you feel, I should know where I am. Isn't that the only thing I have ever asked of you? To tell me where I stand, and to be honest with me? I'm tired of you saying one thing and then doing another, or saying one thing and then doing nothing. I'm tired of you allowing me to be ashamed of who I am. I'm tired of being afraid that this time you're gone forever. I'd rather you used me than left me alone. And that right there is not good.
Basically, I'm tired of waiting for you to quit being a douchebag.
I keep wishing that things could go back to normal, but then I realise - we never really had a 'normal'. It's always unhealthy, this business between me and you. Unbalanced and unfair. We use each other. When you're done, you leave, and when you want more, you come back. I try to redeem myself through you. But it was different this time because I was so vividly aware of not getting attached, and then you trusted me and opened up and I couldn't be selfish, I had to care. I remember the exact moment it happened; I remember it felt like I'd just sealed myself to my fate, like I'd just chained myself to a rock that was falling ever downward. Except, you never wanted me to care, did you? You liked me better when I didn't. You liked me better when I didn't have a stake in your well-being, because you could be as selfish as you wanted. You were your own person, independent of any authority or influence. You were free. We both were.
If I had the chance to stop caring, would I take it?
One small relief I have is that I regret nothing.
Here's a little story. The other day I went into Waterstone's. It's my safe place. It is a sanctuary rather than an escape. All morning I'd avoided looking at people because I was sick and I looked exactly like I'd been crying all night. But when I got to the counter to buy my hot chocolate, I glanced up at the barista. He recognised me because I'm always there, though we're not quite at the acknowledgement stage. But when he saw me he looked right into my face like he was silently asking Are you okay? And I thought, my God, can you just take me away from here and ask me what's wrong and why I've been crying and even though I haven't been I will tell you why I would like to cry and then you will say Shh, it's okay, and stroke my head and make it all better? Strangers have the power to do that. But then I thought: isn't seeking out strangers how I got into this mess in the first place?
Okay, I feel a little better having gotten that out :). And, *incidentally, As Good As It Gets is a great film.
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Taylor Street, Australia, October 2009. For December. |
When in doubt I eat chocolate. Which isn't the best move considering the diabetes in my family and how much weight I've put on since high school.
ReplyDeleteI know how you feel about repeating the year. I really really do. But I have complete faith in you but if it doesn't turn out the way you want it to please don't let it destroy you. Rosie, the imagery you're using, the way you're talking...it's the same I used to talk about things last year. Which makes me worried. I know I don't know you but don't let the listless-ness consume you, please. Talk to someone about it, a tutor or your GP. Your tutor may even tell you you can apply for mitigation so if the exams don't go great you have something to fall back onto. There's no harm in applying for it anyway, just in case.
I don't know what to say about him but I hate him. No one should make you feel so crappy.
Thinking about you. You'll get through this and the exams will go fine. I know they will. Here if you ever, ever want to talk. I'll come to Glasgow if you ask nicely :P (seriously considering coming up anyway. Turns out the auntie who abandoned me works at an invigilator at Glasgow uni and I really really want to talk to her lol)
If only there was a chocolate which was actually 100% good for you, huh?
ReplyDeleteI've never heard of mitigation, but I'll see how the exam goes and then look into it :). This sounds weird, but thanks for hating him. Makes my anger feel a little more legitimate.
Lexie, I honestly can't think you enough for all your support, and your faith :). Don't feel so completely isolated anymore! But don't be worried for me, even if I am using concerning imagery :(. I feel okay, apart from *him* dragging my mood down. I just need to sort that out and I'll be okay :). I think!
Please tell me your auntie didn't abandon you in the sense that I'm imagining she did. How freaky would it be if she was invigilating one of my exams?! Let me know if you're ever coming up :). There are tons of Starbucks around here!
Again, seriously, thank you so much <3. *hugs back*
Anytime Rosie *hugs* Look into it, different unis have different policies about when it needs to be submitted and such.
ReplyDeleteShe totally did abandon me the way you're thinking. I used to be sooooo angry with her, but that's gone now. I just want to talk to her. Just need to pluck up the courage to confront her, and travel to Scotland without telling my mum who wouldn't be too happy about me going :P But I'll let you know. :D
When in doubt...I listen to some uber-pop, like The Summer Set's "Chelsea"! At a respectably un-high volume though, part of my excitement and charm etc.
ReplyDeleteTotally know how you feel about repeating a year, as I did not have to retake my A2 exams and force a gap year...!
But I think that's what exams have just done to our brains - make them all mushy and lifeless during the exam period. Well, and not only during the exam period...!
But I have faith in you! Because THEN you WILL pass!
And whilst you're doing that, I shall become lifeless before my exams next month...!
P.S. I think you should beat the shite out of this "him". Verbally of course...! =D
@Lexie - I'm so sorry that happened to you, no wonder you were angry. Happy that you've somehow managed to conquer that though :). Holding grudges only really hurts yourself in the end I guess! But I'm definitely in favour of you confronting her and getting 'closure' :). I'm sure your mother would understand... If I happen to see a woman I think could be your auntie invigilating my exam, I shall give her an evil glare.
ReplyDelete@Emad - Okay...I think I love that song now. It reminds me of so many things but nothing completely encapsulates it. Good answer Emad!
So...did you have to repeat a year :O?! I agree, exams are total brain-killers. And stupid. Like, how is my utmost ability supposed to be reflected in a two-hour panic attack? STUPID.
Thanks for the faith, Emad, I shall have to pass now :D! No no, do not become lifeless, YOU WILL *ALSO* PASS YOUR EXAMS! With flying colours, no less.
P.S. Shite is a great word, and also, I'm planning on it (Y).
Thanks Rosie :) Also, I agree with Emad concering the shite :)